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Easy Peasy Perennial Plant Establishment

Here's a quick, free way to get perennial herbs and flowers started in your garden.

This works well with most woody stemmed plants. I've had the greatest success with lavender, sage, thyme, oregano and rosemary.

Step 1 - take your cutting

Find a friend, community garden, neighbour, or even council owned land with plants you like. Snip off a few hard-stemmed bits 10cm long or longer. I've started to travel with secateurs in the car for when something catches my eye! Ask permission though, people generally don't like you pruning away without checking first.

Step 2 - scrape off the outer layer of bottom of stem

This gives the plant a greater chance to form roots. Just lightly scrape away the woody bit of the bottom 2-3cm with something sharp Don't be too harsh or you'll damage the plant.

Step 3 - dip in rooting hormone.

Rooting hormone powder can be picked up for cheap at your local garden centre.

Step 4 - Stick in a handful of compost

In pots or in the garden

Step 5 - Keep moist

Done! It's that easy

This is the easiest and definitely the cheapest way to establish perennials such as sage, oregano, thyme, lavender, and rosemary. Give it a try and let us know how you go :)

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